• Selamat dan Sukses ENERGIZE BAY LINE PORONG 1 & 2
    Congratulations and Success ENERGIZE BAY LINE PORONG 1 & 2
  • Siap Mengimplementasikan Sistem Manajemen Mutu SNI ISO 9001:2015
    All Staff of PT Mahakaam International Group
    are Ready to Implement a Quality Management System
    SNI ISO 9001:2015
  • Perusahaan bergerak di bidang listrik terintegrasi
    Actively Involved in Activities of Transformator Maintenance and Services
  • Dengan Tenaga Profesional handal dan tersertifikasi
    Certified Professionals Human Resources
  • peralatan dan alat uji terkalibrasi
    Equipped with calibrated and tested equipment.
  • standar keamanan layanan dan etika bisnis yang tinggi
    Implement High Standards of Security, Service and Business Ethics.
  • Pembangunan, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan Gardu Induk Pembangkit
    Repair and maintenance of transformers,
    distribution transformers to power
    transformers in substations and
    power plants

About Us

To be a highly comperative integrated electrical machine
( transformer, generator, electro motor) assets repair, service, maintenance, construction company which satisfy all of the stakeholders.

About us in detail
PT Mulya Jatra

Why Choose Us ?

  • Equipped with calibrated and tested equipment.
  • Using original and standard materials.
  • Certified human resources.
  • A recognized and certified with ISO 9001: 2008 for quality management standards, 14000 for waste treatment standards and SMK3
    (Safety Management System).
Repair and Maintenance Transformator

Repair and maintenance of transformers, distribution transformers to power transformers in substations and power plants.

Transformator Treatment

Procurement of Goods and Services in Electricity Sector


Construction and assembly for power transformer.

  • Iwan S.

    PT Network Assistant Manager PT PLN (Persero) Jember Area

    The quality of the work is good and please maintain.

  • Alan

    Network Maintenance Supervisor PT PLN (Persero) Mojokerto Area

    The work done is very good.

  • Suryo

    Project Manager PT EASTERENTEX

    The work is very good, coordination is fast and directed.

  • Triyono

    Project Manager PT MIWON INDONESIA

    Very satisfied